[MFA Thesis06]Initial research — Survey

2 min readOct 14, 2021

The user testing plan failed to be done by the deadline I planned from my previous testing planning. There are reasons such as too much planning compared to a given time, delayed schedule due to my sudden physical injury, etc. However, the failure led me to find unexpected opportunities.

The opportunities were found from my initial survey. Before the survey, I had my testing plan, which I was pretty sure about. The plan was to ask users to organize random files on the laptop, which I prepared, and observing the tester’s screen to learn how they use existing Data storage/Cloud service products, services, and products. The plan sounds like it doesn’t have a significant problem. However, I could find a significant error in this planning, which I could learn from my survey.

(Question5) Almost 85% shows a positive opinion on their current experience

To learn where the significant error starts, we need to see how people think about their current experience using their Data storage/Cloud service, products, and system. Question 5 tells us the majority of people have a positive opinion about their experiences. However, it also indicates that there is still some space to develop furthermore.

(Questions 6&7) Red = Positive opinions | Blue = Negative opinions

Question 6 & 7 shows positive opinions and negative opinions about their experience. Q6 wasn’t only asking about positive thoughts, but most answers turned out positive because many people already stated they are somewhere positive with their existing products. The interesting thing about comparing responses to the two questions is that the positive thoughts are mainly about the service/product’s functionality and technology. On the other hand, negative reviews are primarily about how users use the service/product and system. In summary, the space to develop doesn’t exist in the technology or functionality area, and it exists in how users interact with the current services/products and system.

Suppose I didn’t learn that focusing on how users interact with existing products is more important than focusing on the functionality and technology from the survey. In that case, I might have spent tons of extra time and energy on my testing and researching that I don’t need to do. Plus, the insight from the survey allowed me to narrow down details on my HMW sentences and primary user group.




SVA MFA Intercation Design class of 2022